AMC K-LCD W900 Wireless zoom


AMC K-LCD W900 Wireless
Full Screen

AMC K-LCD W900 Wireless Bi Direct Keypad NFC 2 x AAA batteries included

Product Code: AMKLCDW900

AMKLCDW900 – 32 characters LCD wireless keypad – 916 MHz

Bidirectional wireless keypad powered by batteries (2 batteries AAA – Alkaline 1.5V). It can be fed with external power (4 – 18 Vdc). It is equipped with a LCD display 32 characters on two lines, and a programmable NFC / RFID tag reader, with which it is possible to arm / disarm and enable / disable programmed outputs.

It is a full bidirectional keypad and allows the user to have a real feedback of the status of the system (not ready zones, troubles etc).

  • Arm / disarm panel (in all configurations).
  • Not ready zones alert.
  • Bypass zones.
  • Change / modify personal user code.
  • Log event reading.
  • Outputs triggering.
  • Tag readers management.
  • Dimensions: 135 (W) x 116 (H) x 24 mm (D).


Brand AMC
Finish White
Keypads Yes
Wireless Alarm System Yes
What batteries does it take and how many 2x AAA
Accepts RFID Cards/Fobs Or Smart Phone NFC Yes
