AMC SOUTDOOR/T Outdoor zoom


AMC SOUTDOOR/T Outdoor zoom


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AMC SOUTDOOR/T Outdoor Triple Tech Det. (2 PIR’s 1 MW)

Product Code: AMSDT

Soutdoor/T is an outdoor detector, that can be used for all external installations. It can be programmed by PC software, for these reason it is very efficient and complete for any particular installation (in garden with a lot of plants, animals, sun, and other sources that cause false alarms).

It has maximum endurance, thanks to high protection grade. You have also the possibility to change cover, with different lens, so Soutdoor/T is suggested for all types of installation (near wall for door and windows protection, in places reach of vegetables or in presence of animals).

Outdoor detector programmable by PC software:
1.Complete programming of all detector’s function.
2.Graphic visualization of each technology coverage.
3.Possibility of consulting the last events, memorized by detector.
4.Possibility of configuring the outputs.
5.Possibility of configuring 4 PR-ESET working, based on requirements.
6.Possibility of configuring pre-alarms, using one or more detector’s technologies.

  • Range from 3 mt to 15 mt.
  • Internal memory events, to verify which technology has generated alarm.
  • Detector with three technologies (2 PIR, 1 microwave).
  • Cover with different lens, depending on the type of installation (volumetric, curtain vertical/horizontal)
  • PET immunity adjustable with different weight.
  • Double anti-masking with active IR.
  • Back tamper, and anti-opening with microswitch.
  • Tamper anti-inclination with accelerometer when it is used with bracket.
  • 3 outputs relays free to be used for alarm functions, masking and blinding.
  • Input of block detector (exclusion microwave when the system is disarmed).
  • Trimmer coverage regulation in the function stand alone.
  • Led two-colour Red and Green.
  • N° 6 Dip switches to set-up functions:
    AND OR AUTO OR MULTI-MPULSE PRE-SET, that you can set up by pc (4 separate preset).


Brand AMC
Finish White
Type of Detector Outdoor PIR with Pet Immunity